nodes, two hubs, and two RA8000 or ESA12000s, each with
dual-redundant HSG80 controllers, is supported.
Per-bus limitations: A cluster configuration that consists of four member
systems and two RA8000 or ESA12000s, each with dual-redundant
HSG80 controllers, consumes all eight of the SCSI target IDs that Tru64
UNIX Version 4.0F allows. Therefore, no additional HSG80s can be
added to either of the existing Fibre Channel based SCSI buses. Any
further expansion will entail adding more Fibre Channel buses.
Slot limitations: If there are unused PCI slots in each system, additional
KGPSA Fibre Channel PCI adapters could be added to each system, and
switches and HSG80 controllers could be attached to each additional
bus. However, we recommend that applications with high bandwidth
requirements limit the number of KGPSA adapters per PCI segment
to two.
Fibre Channel switch configuration requirements: For each additional
Fibre Channel based shared bus, an additional Fibre Channel switch
is required. Each Fibre Channel switch will require a 10Mbit/sec
twisted-pair Ethernet connection to the network, an IP address, and
sufficient ports to support the configuration.
5.3 Adding and Replacing Fibre Channel Devices
This section covers the different ways to add Fibre Channel devices.
5.3.1 Adding Disks to an Existing Configuration
A maximum of eight LUNs are available per SCSI target, and there is one
SCSI target for each port of an HSG80. However, you can add disks to the
existing HSG80 units and then add them to the Tru64 UNIX file systems
using available mechanisms (for example, growing an AdvFS domain or
fileset). If additional LUNs are configured, use the following command to
ensure that the system sees them:
scsimgr -scan_bus bus=#
Use the
utility or
command to ensure that the resulting special
device file (for example,
) exists and is visible to the operating
system on each member system.
You do not need to reboot member systems to perform these procedures.
Troubleshooting and Component Replacement Guidelines 5–5