TruckCraft Corporation
5751 Molly Pitcher Hwy South
Chambersburg, PA 17202
TC-260 Service Bodies
Tel. (800) 755-3867
Fax. (717) 375-2975
Web: www.truckcraft.com
Copyright 2018 TruckCraft Corporation Revised 02/2018 Page 11
Service Body Mounting / Installation Kits
We have designed mounting kits for the
A/B, A/A & B/B
body configurations to fit on the three
main truck manufacturers chassis
Also, we have mounting kits to fit up to all
three manufacturers for both bumpers. This will give our distributor s an easier method of installing
our bodies. Listed below is the Mounting and Bumper Kits for the TC-260 Service Bodies.
MTG KIT (2017 FORD) (D2-08617)