For TWO YEARS from the date of re
tail pur
chase within Can
LIMITED will, at its op tion, re pair or re place, for the orig i nal pur chaser, free of charge, any
part or parts found to be de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship.
This war ranty does not cover:
1. Any part which has be come in op er a tive due to mis use, com mer cial use, abuse,
ne glect, ac ci dent, im proper main te nance or al ter ation; or
2. The unit if it has not been op er ated and/or main tained in ac cor dance with the
owner’s in struc tions fur nished with the unit; or
3. The en gine or mo tor or com po nent parts thereof which carry sep a rate war ran ties
from their man u fac tur ers. Please re fer to the ap pli ca ble man u fac turer’s war ranty
on these items; or
4. Bat
teries and nor
mal wear parts ex
cept as noted be
low. Log split
ter pumps,
valves and cyl in ders or com po nent parts thereof are cov ered by a one year war -
ranty; or
5. Rou
tine main
nance items such as lu
cants, fil
ters, blade sharp
ing and
tune-ups, or ad just ments such as brake, clutch or deck; or
6. Nor mal de te ri o ra tion of the ex te rior fin ish due to use or ex po sure.
Full Ninety Day War ranty on Bat tery:
For ninety (90) days from the date of re tail pur -
chase, if any bat tery in cluded with this unit proves de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship
and our test ing de ter mines the bat tery will not hold a charge, MTD PROD UCTS LIMITED
will re place the bat tery at no charge to the orig i nal pur chaser.
di tional Limited Thirty Day War
ranty on Bat tery:
Af ter ninety (90) days but within
one hun dred twenty (120) days from the date of pur chase, MTD PROD UCTS LIMITED will
re place the de fec tive bat tery, for the orig i nal pur chaser, for a cost of one-half (1/2) of the
cur rent re tail price of the bat tery in ef fect at the date of re turn.
Full Sixty Day War ranty on Nor mal Wear Parts:
Nor mal wear parts are de fined as belts,
blade adapt ers, blades, grass bags, seats, tires, rider deck wheels and clutch parts (fric -
tion wheels). These parts are war ranted to the orig i nal pur chaser to be free from de fects
in ma te rial and work man ship for a pe riod of sixty (60) days from the date of re tail pur -
How to Ob tain Ser vice:
War ranty ser vice is avail able, with proof of pur chase, through
your lo cal au tho rized ser vice dealer or dis trib u tor. If you do not know the dealer or dis -
trib u tor in your area, please call, toll free 1-800-668-1238. The re turn of a com plete unit
will not be ac cepted by the fac tory un less prior writ ten per mis sion has been ex tended by
Trans por ta tion Charges:
Trans por ta tion charges for the move ment of any power equip -
ment unit or at tach ment are the re spon si bil ity of the pur chaser. Trans por ta tion charges
for any part sub
ted for re
ment un
der this war
ranty must be paid by the pur
chaser un less such re turn is re quested in writ ing by MTD PROD UCTS LIMITED.
Other War
All other war ran ties, ex press or im plied, in clud ing any im plied war -
ranty of mer chant abil ity is lim ited in its du ra tion to that set forth in this ex press lim ited
war ranty. The pro vi sions as set forth in this war ranty pro vide the sole and ex clu sive rem -
edy of MTD PROD UCTS LIMITED ob li ga tions aris ing from the sale of its prod ucts.
will not be li a ble for in ci den tal or con se quen tial loss or dam -