AWC7813 motion controller user manual
please increase the
manufacturer parameters
first, including
Start Speed
Max Acc
, and
Max Speed
Start speed
refers to the starting speed of the laser head from stationary to
starting to move. It limits the
Start Speed
Motion Parameters
Start speed
can't be too large, otherwise it is easy to shake when starting processing. Max Acc
Max Acc
refers to the maximum speed change of the motion axis during
acceleration and deceleration. The
Max Acc
of the laser head defaults to the
smaller value of the X axis and Y axis
Max Acc
. For example, the
Max Acc
the X axis is 500 and the
Max Acc
of the Y axis is 600. S
o 【
Max Acc
is 500. This
value limits the maximum value of
Engrave Acc
Motion Parameters
. For
details, please see Max Speed
Max Speed
refers to the highest limit speed that the motion axis can bear.
The maximum value of
Max Speed
Distance per pulse
*180, when it exceeds
this value, it will default to distance per pulse*180. This value limits the maximum
value of
Space Speed
. For details, please see Zero Offset
The limit switch is not necessarily in the range, so it is necessary to adjust the
zero position. That is, the machine zero moves an offset distance along the X+
direction. When the machine is being reset, the laser head stops when it touches the
X-, Y- limit switches, and then walks back a certain distance, which is zero offset