AWC708PLUS LCD Display Operation Manuals V1.1
Datum Direction
The machine movement direction when resetting.A wrong operation on it will lead
your machine move to reversed direction.
Key Direction
The direction of axis when pressing buttons in panel.A wrong operation on it will
lead axis move to reversed direction.
Limit Polarity
The control electronic level that limit switch send to controller main board.A
wrong operation on it will lead limit switch stop working.
The working area of the machine.
Start Speed(mm/s)
Speed of axes from stillness to startup.
Max Acc(mm/s2)
Max acceleration when axes doing speed up and down motion.
Max Speed(mm/s)
Max speed limitation that axis can run with.
move cursor to
To Calculate the Pulse Distance
to enter it.Input expected numbers
and try to measure the actual length of each axis then Distance Per Pulse could be automatically
6.2 Laser Parameters
In Manufacturer Parameters setting interface ,move cursor to Laser Parameters option.Press
to enter it.Move cursor to do changes you need.Press
then press
to finish it.