In singles, the server first makes a good service and then the receiver makes a good return. Thereaf-
ter, server and receiver alternately each make a good return. In doubles, the server first makes a good
service and the receiver returns the ball. Then the partner of the server makes a good return,
followed by the partner of the receiver returning the ball. Thereafter, each player alternately in that
sequence makes a good return.
After hitting it, the ball must first touch the server's own court and pass directly over the net or
around the net assembly, then touching the receiver's court. In doubles, the ball must first touch the
server's right half-court or center line, pass over the net, and then touch the receiver's right half-court
or center line. If, in attempting to serve, a player fails to strike the ball while it is in play, he loses a
point. Return After the ball is served or returned in play, it is struck so that it passes directly over the
net and its assembly and touches the opponent's court. A returned ball which touches the net or its
supports on the way over to the other side, is considered a good return. The ball is in play from the
last moment at which it is stationary on the palm of the server's free hand before being projected in
service until:
-- a point is scored.
-- it touches the same court twice consecutively.
-- it has been volleyed.
-- it touches a player, or anything he wears or carries, other than his racket or his racket hand
below his wrist.
-- it touches any object other than the net or its support (referred to above).
-- it is struck by a player more than once consecutively.
-- it touches, in a doubles service, the left half-court of the server or receiver.
-- it is struck, in doubles, by a player out of sequence, except where there has been a genuine
error in playing order.