• Planing cuts should be performed with the cutter
mostly hidden behind the fence faces
NEVER make planing cuts with the
workpiece passing between the cutter and fence on the
right. The cutter will flex aside, ‘climb up’ on the work,
and rip the workpiece out of your hands - or pull your
hand into the cutter
Planing on the router fence
See Figs 25 & 26
• Planing cuts of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 & 2.5mm can be performed
using combinations of the 1.0 & 1.5mm planing shims
• You can use your own shims to achieve other planing
• Push the spring-loaded MDF face away from the fence
and slot the shims into the gap created, straddling each
set of screws (loosen spring tension if necessary)
• For 1.0, 1.5 or 2.5mm planing cuts, it the appropriate
shims behind the rear MDF fence face
• For 0.5mm cuts, it the 1.5mm shims behind the rear
MDF fence face and the 1.0mm shims behind the front
MDF fence face
• Use a wooden straight edge to align the cutter blade
with the rear MDF fence face (Fig 26), then begin your
Planing a high face on the router fence
See figs 27a & b
• For high face work, remove the front guard and position
the guard guide back behind the fence. The pressure
finger assemblies must also be removed from the fence
• High face cuts require two passes:
1. For 1.0 & 1.5mm cuts, insert the appropriate shims
behind the rear MDF fence face
2. Lock the fence with the rear face aligned with the
3. Remove the shims and, without re-adjusting the fence,
complete the first pass (Fig 27a)
4. Re-fit the shims behind the rear MDF fence face, then
flip the workpiece and complete the second pass
(Fig 27b)
• Note: for 0.5mm high face planing cuts, use your own
0.5mm shims behind the rear MDF fence face
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