• The GPS nominal consumption is 80 mA.
The TRIPY antenna and power supply modules shall be supplied at the technical controls in
the starting towns together with an installation note.
• You must install these two elements.
• The Tripy power supply module is terminated by a cable showing two male Fast-On terminals. You
shall easily connect to it by means of the female terminals of the power supply cable
you shall have
installed before the technical controls.
• You shall position the external antenna on a horizontal surface outside of the vehicle (eg : roof, front
hood, rear trunk cover,...) by means of the simple magnetic patch. Should the magnetic patch be
inefficient (non metallic body, convertible,..), you may use a double sided sticker supplied with the
antenna. The antenna shall have a maximal sky exposure. The cable passage through door joints
shall be made such as the cable may not be damaged nor teared upon the co-pilot closing the door.
The GPS device shall be supplied in Malbuisson. Its installation shall be performed during the
The GPS shall be installed at the place you’ll have selected for it inside the vehicle, preferably in the
gloves compartment or any other location you shall have pre- pared in advance. In all cases, the
selected place will be such that the GPS may not fall, nor move when the vehicle is moving. It is also
at that location that you shall have brought the antenna and power supply connections.
After this installation, the correct operation of the GPS system shall be validated by the TRIPY
technicians in collaboration with the scrutineers of the ASA Auto Verte.
Upon registration confirmation, one of the two team members shall provide the organisation with a
credit card imprint as warranty for the restitution of the GPS system at the end of the rally, in
-The deposit is 1050
• Tripy GPS device : 870
• Power supply cable : 120
• GPS antenna: 60
The GPS system shall be returned to the competitor’s rela- tion officers at the end of the rally, in
Upon withdrawals during the rally, the GPS system may be returned to the Competitor’s Relation
Officers whom are in the Parc Fermé at the beginning and the end of each leg.
In all circumstances, the return of the GPS system shall be made to the ASA Auto Verte. not later
than 10 days after the end of the rally. At the end of this period, the equipment shall be considered as
not returned and shall be invoiced as per the abovementioned conditions.