Your circuit breaker trips.
Unplug some equipment. Wait 1 minute. Push
Your Isobar is overloaded.
the circuit breaker button back in. (See Fig. 1)
The green "Protection Present"
Make sure that power is available at the wall
or "Line OK" LEDs do not light.
outlet, the power switch is ON and illuminated
Your equipment is not fully
and that the Isobar is completely plugged in.
protected against surges or there
is a wiring fault in your wall outlet.
The red "Fault" LED lights when
Have a qualified electrician fix the fault immedi-
you first plug in your Isobar.
ately. NOTE: A loose wall outlet may cause the
There is a wiring fault in your
“Fault” light to come ON. Your Isobar will identify
wall outlet. (Phases are reversed,
most common wiring faults (but not necessarily
ground is missing, etc.)
every possible type of fault).
The red “Fault” LED lights after
After having an electrician determine a wiring
continued use of your Isobar.
fault does not exist in your wall outlet, contact
Your Isobar has been damaged
Tripp Lite for service.
by a surge.
Your individual pieces of
Plug your equipment into receptacles that are
equipment interfere with
not directly across from one another. There is an
each other while plugged into
internal barrier between each set of receptacles
your Isobar (causing audio static
that will block interference. (See Fig. 2)
or video "snow”).
Turn your Isobar ON. Turn your
equipment ON. The green "Protec-
tion Present" and "Line OK" LEDs
should light. You are finished with
installation! Your equipment is now
fully protected against surges and
line noise on the AC, coaxial and
telephone lines.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.