3b. Mount on Solid Brick and Concrete Block
• When installing wall mounts onto a concrete masonry unit (also known as a CMU or
“cinder block”), verify that the actual concrete thickness is at least 35mm (1-3/8”)
in order to hold the concrete anchors. DO NOT DRILL INTO MORTAR JOINTS! Be sure
to mount the wall mount with the included concrete anchors and anchor bolts onto
solid sections of the blocks. The solid sections can generally be found 25mm (1”)
toward the middle of the block from either end. An electric drill on a slow setting is
suggested to drill the hole rather than a hammer drill so as to avoid breaking out the
back of the hole when entering a hollow section.
• Installers must verify that the supporting surface will safely support the combined
load of the equipment and all attached hardware and components.
Screw the wall
mount onto
the wall
Drill pilot holes
Find and mark the
exact location of
mounting holes
Concrete Anchor
Anchor Bolt