circuits, adjacent to the target wire can act as
shields, reducing the HOUND Jr’s ability to sense
properly. Spreading the wires apart will reduce the
shielding effect and allow the HOUND Jr to work
better. Defects in a cable or wires, such as shorts
or opens, will reduce the signal amplitude and
hence the HOUND Jr’s ability to locate the target
wire. Terminating a wire or line in a low impedance
also reduces signal amplitude and the HOUND Jr’s
locating ability. It is also possible for wire dress to
cause nullification of the field. This may happen
with tightly twisted pairs of wires.
If the target wire is connected to other wires and
circuits, for example, to switches, lights, relays,
transformers, etc., the FOX Jr warble TONE will
pass through these devices and out onto other
wires connected to these devices ... making tracing
of the target wire very difficult, if not impossible.
The FOX Jr and HOUND Jr cannot be used to trace
wires buried underground or in concrete. This is
because the moisture content of the earth or
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