3. In the pop up music setting menu, tap remove to finish.
7.3 Video
1) Enter video mode
Tap the video application
1. Tap gallery or list selections.
2. The device will display all compatible video files.
3. Tap the file you want to play.
7.4 Images
1) View images
1. Tap the image gallery application.
2. This will bring up the image gallery, tap the file or folder you want
to view
3. Tap the image you want to view, and the system will view the
image in full screen.
4. When you view images, you can zoom in and out by pinching or
sliding two fingers apart.
2) Edit and setting images as a contact or desktop
After opening an image, tap the image again to bring up your menu
and delete icons. Tapping the delete icon will allow you to
delete the image.Tapping the menu icon will bring up your image
Tap to enable slideshow mode