La Remote - User manual
The top header of the screen always displays the current volume of the machine.
Keep in mind that this volume integrates a potential DIM state.
The display value could be set up to:
a relative scale in “dB”,
an absolute “dB C” once calibrated
The central big volume knob always controls the current speaker set volume.
The mute button always controls the mute of the current speaker set.
It will be illuminated in red when activated.
Important note:
if a reference level is set, it will always be displayed in dB on La Remote, regardless of the display value.
Important note:
all settings are stored automatically inside the Trinnov processor and not inside La Remote.
To activate La Remote setup mode,
double click on the top select button
: the center part of the screen displays the current
setting name and value.
While in this setup mode, it is possible to change the current value with the select knob:
A simple push on this same select knob jumps to the next setting.
A double push exits the setup mode.
While in the setup mode, all other buttons including mute and volume remain active.
The available settings in this setup mode are:
Volume sensitivity adjustment:
it is possible to adjust the sensitivity of the main volume button with a 0.5dB step, from
0.5dB per step up to 6dB per step.
Volume acceleration:
With a very fine volume sensitivity (likely 0.5dB per step), it may be hard to quickly reach extreme
values. With volume acceleration enabled, the dB per step value is increased with the rotation speed.
Reference volume recall level:
It is important to define your constant working level, which will be quickly available on
the first layer. This recall value refers to the dBFS attenuation value of the volume. If you want to display an absolute
dBC value after your calibration, you can enable this in the Trinnov interface, under the “Processor” tab, “Master” subtab,
in the “Level display offset frame select the “dBC” button. The recall value will be the one when this “dBC” button is not
Sources only mode:
It is possible to reduce the number of available layers to the strict minimum, to avoid user
misusage. Activating this mode will leave the sources selection and speaker solo & mute only, hiding the other layers.
Screen backlight Lighting adjustment
: It is possible to adjust the display backlight brightness of the screen.
Screen invert video:
It is possible to shift the display of the screen for a better readability, depending on your lighting
Buttons lighting adjustment:
It is possible to adjust the intensity of the buttons when they are lit, to perfectly match
your lighting conditions.