TINYPRO6 – Operational Manual
TRINITY has a host of low cost, easy to use individual and multifunctional meter that
offers for all the basic measurement capabilities required to monitor electricity over
and above basic metering. These meters also have an RS485 port supporting
MODBUS-RTU protocol for integration with SCADA/EMS. The entire range is very
rugged and cost-effective. All these products are field proven and more than 100,000
units are active in service.
The Main Features Available in This Model
Multiparameter Monitoring with LED indicators
Displays with 0.4” Red Seven Segment
Three phases (RYB) voltage and current
Measurement of Active Power (KW) and Active Energy (KWh)
Frequency and system PF with lead (-) and lag side
Modbus-RTU on RS485 port with SCADA/EMS
Measurement of all important Electrical Parameters
All parameters with default accuracy class 1.0S.
Front View of the Unit