I t is recommended that you add and delete all user codes through your smart home control
system. If your system does not allow this, codes may be added directly to the lock as shown here.
Programming Timeout
During programming, i f no button is pressed for f ive seconds, the system will t ime out ( indicated by
three beeps and a red f lashing lock button ) , and you will need to restart the procedure.
Master Code
For enhanced security, a master code may be used when adding and deleting user codes.
1 . Make sure the door is open.
Press the Program button once.
2 . Enter used code. A total of
30 user codes may be
3 . Press Lock button.
4 . W hat l ights and sounds does the lock produce?
Lock button f lashes green once with one
Lock button f lashes three t imes with three beeps
P ro g ra m m ing was s uc c es s f ul.
P ro g ra m m ing was uns uc c es s f ul.
Mak e s ure not to paus e for m ore than 5 s ec onds during
program m ing.
Mak e s ure the us er c ode i s not a duplic ate and that i t i
s between 4 and 8 digits during your next attem pt.
Mak e s ure the loc k has room for an a d d itio n a l c ode. I f
al l us er c ode pos i t ions are f i l led, delete a c ode to m ake
room for this one.
Trinity Wiring and Security Solutions
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