1235 Hickory Street; Pewaukee, WI 53072
For Customer Support: 800-558-7008
Operating Instructions:
1. Connect one wand/hose to suction side of pump using the JIC fitting and tighten, this
will be the intake side.
2. Connect one wand/hose after filtration which is after filtration, with the JIC fitting and
tighten, this will be the discharge side.
3. Spin-on filters are hand tightened during assembly at the Trico factory, tighten filters
with filter/strap wrench, at the top of the filter where they are the strongest, to form a
proper seal with the gasket around the filter and filter head.
4. For initial startup of the unit, place a small amount of fluid into the suction wand/hose
and allow the fluid to enter the pump head by raising the wand/hose above the
pump. This will help lubricant the internal gears of the pump and prevent dry running
that can cause gear wear. Once gears are lubricated this step is not necessary to
repeat unless the unit has been in storage for over a month or has been cleaned
during maintenance.
5. Place suction wand/hose into the container, or machinery, to be emptied and/or
filtered. Ensure that the suction wand/hose does not become impeded/blocked by
internal components within the machinery or container.
6. Place the discharge wand/hose into another opening in the machinery, container, or
desired clean container if transferring fluids.
7. Fill the Filter, Regulator, Lubricator (FRL) reservoir located on the back of the cart to
the proper level with SAE 10W high detergent or non-detergent
motor oil. For food
processing applications, White Rex
425 food grade motor oil is FDA approved.
8. Adjust
lubricator to feed 1 drop of oil for every 50 CFM of air
while the unit is
running, or 1 drop of oil per continuous
minute of run time for high speed or
continuous duty usage. Do not over oil or exhaust air
may become contaminated.
9. Connect the air supply to the filter cart FRL. Check the oil level daily.
10. Clean the compressed air connection with low pressure air to remove any dirt from
the line before connecting to the FRL.