TriangleTube INSRKIT53 Replacement Download Page 4


Display Module Replacement


7.  Reconnect the yellow cables by pushing the plug 

into the terminal. The clip on the back of the plug 

will lock the plug into place. Use care not to dam-

age the cable or display module.

8.  Close the front cover onto the back cover by insert-

ing the two tabs on the bottom of the front cover 

into the appriopriate holes in the back cover and 

close, engaging the tab in the top. Give the cover a 

light tug to make sure the top retaining clip is tight. 

4.  Programming new Display Board

1.  Follow the instructions in step 2 to gain access to 

the installer menu.

2.  Go to boiler settings and click appliance setting, as 

seen in Fig. 9 and  Fig. 10.

Fig. 9:  Installer Menu

Fig. 10:  Appliance setting

3.  The required code is written on the data plate lo-

cated at the side of the boiler. Use the code for the 

gas type, either Natural Gas or Propane.

4.  Increase/decrease the value (from 0 to 9, then A to 

Z) using the UP or DOWN keys to, then change po-

sition with the LEFT or RIGHT keys.

5.  Follow the instructions on the screen to enter the 

appliance code for your boiler.

6.  The boiler will now be factory set for that particular 

model. Return to step 2 and enter settings record-

ed in Table 1 back into the controls to return the 

boiler to the customized settings of the old control.

7.  Return to step 2 and enter settings recorded in Ta-

ble 1 back into the controls.
