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ACTIVITY 8 – Making Jewellery/Ornaments

You will need:

• Lids from measuring cups
• Plaster of Paris – not included
• Crystals grown from previous experiments
• Cooking oil (for coating the inside of the lid)
• Eyedropper
• Tweezers


Coat the inside of the lid with a thin layer of cooking oil to prevent the plaster from 
sticking. Place a tablespoon of plaster powder in a small plastic container and use the 
eyedropper to gradually add drops of water to the plaster. Use a matchstick to mix the 
plaster and water until it has the consistency of a thick pudding. Pour the mixture into the 
lid and spread evenly to make the plaster base. Use your tweezers to place the crystal on 
to the plaster. Leave for two to three hours until the plaster sets. Gently press the bottom 
of the lid to release the plaster cast.

ACTIVITY 7 – Moulded Crystals

You will need:

• Prepared crystal growing solution (from activity 4 or 5)
• Small plastic moulds


Prepare a solution in a jam jar as detailed in activity 4 or 5. Fill the plastic moulds 
with the solution and leave for 24 to 36 hours. The crystals will set in the shape of 
the mould. You will need to top up the mould with solution as the crystals grow and 
the liquid evaporates. When all of the liquid has evaporated and the crystals are fully 
formed, gently take the crystals out of the mould and place on your display stand.

ACTIVITY 10 – Creating Stalactites and Stalagmites

You will need:

• 2 clean jam jars
• Old baking tray or aluminium takeaway dish
• Strip of cotton cloth (preferably terry towelling) 3cm wide x 40cm long
• 12 tablespoons washing soda (sodium carbonate)


Pour one cup of hot water into each jar and add half of the washing soda to each. Insert 
the ends of the cloth into each of the jars, making sure that the ends reach the bottom of 
the jars. Place the jars in the baking tray and move the tray to a warm place, well out of 
the reach of small children and pets. Wait several days and you will see that the solution 
starts to drip and a column begins to form.

ACTIVITY 9 – Making a Crystal Garden

You will need:

• Lids from plastic containers
• Plaster of Paris – not included
• Crystals grown from previous experiments
• Cooking oil (for coating the inside of the lid)
• Eyedropper
• Tweezers


Prepare a plaster base with one of the lids from the plastic containers. Using your 
collection of crystals, embed them into the still soft plaster to create a crystal garden. 
Use adhesive to attach crystals, beads and pebbles to the embedded crystals to add 
a further dimension to your garden.

Stalactites and Stalagmites

