TV-IP310PI User’s Guide
© Copyright 2014 TRENDnet. All rights reserved.
Enter a new password. The default password is admin
� You are
required to change the password from the default setting to prevent
unauthorized access. Enter the default password: admin
and enter
the new passwords for a brand new installation*. The password
must be between 8 and 16 characters. (Alphanumeric: a-z, A-Z, 0-9,
!, @, #, $)�
*This camera installation wizard is also good for finding the camera if it was
setup with DHCP. The IP address may change dynamically with the DHCP
setting. If you want to access your camera again and you don’t know the IP
address, you can run this camera installation wizard again. If you have already
setup the password and want to keep the password unchanged, un-check the
Change Password box and click next to get the link to access your camera.)
Click here to access to the camera’s web page or click Next
mobile app installation.