1. To protect your network from any unauthorized access it is recommended to enable
wireless encryption.
The example below is for WPA2-PSK (AES) security. If you select WPA-PSK or
WPA2-PSK, make sure your wireless adapters support WPA or WPA2. If your
wireless adapters do not support WPA or WPA2, then select WEP.
WEP encryption only supports 802.11b/g speed of up to 54Mbps.
Once encryption is enabled on the router, each wireless computer and device must
be configured with the same encryption key.
16. S e le c t the d e sire d W P A m ode, enter
c h a ra cte rs fo r y o u r P re-S ha red key and then
c lic k N e xt. F or W P A -P S K o r W P A 2-P S K , the
P re -S ha red Key m ust be betw e en 8 and 63
A S C II o r 64 H E X characters. M ake sure to
co p y dow n the P re -S ha red Key. You w ill need
the P re-S ha red K e y w h en you c o n fig u re y o u r
w ire le s s ada pter(s).