There are two priority queues ( high and low ) on each port. Each
port arbitrates between two transmit queues ( high and low priority ).
The arbitration uses weighted round-robin between the high and low
priority queues, and you can adjust this weight.
Programmable Mapping of 802.1p to Internal Priority
The received packets with 802.1q tag are assigned priority
according to a flexible (fixed for the old 48310 and 48320 module)
and programmable mapping of the 802.1p user-priority tag (3 bits,
value from 0 to 7) to the internal priority queue. The default is to
assign a packet to high priority queue when the 802.1p user-priority
tag is 4 to 7, and to low priority queue when the 802.1p user-priority
tag is 0 to 3. Please check the corresponding mapping checkbox to
assign a high priority or uncheck that to assign a low priority.
Figure 5-10. Port Priority – 802.1p page