Task bar
The task bar is the horizontal bar found at the bottom of your Primebook. Unlike
your desktop, which can be covered by opened windows, the task bar is almost
always visible. The task bar therefore provides you with constant access to the
important functions and settings of your Primebook plus an overview of all the
windows you have open.
USB stands for "Universal Serial Bus" and is the name of a cable-based
interface on your Primebook. It is used to connect peripheral devices and
exchange data between your Primebook and external devices such as a USB stick.
Windows Store
The Windows Store is an online store offered by Microsoft with lots of useful
and interesting apps that you can download to your Primebook. See the
"Downloading applications from the Windows Store" section for information on
how to download apps from the Windows Store. Please note that you need to
pay for some apps (paid apps are clearly labelled as such in the Windows Store).