If you do not yet have a Microsoft account or are not signed in with it, you must
perform these steps. Open the Windows Store and select the desired app. Click
the app and then click "
". An assistant now appears to guide you through
the process of setting up a Microsoft account.
If you set up a Microsoft account and link it to your Primebook, the password
for unlocking the Primebook changes. From now on, you have to enter the
password for your Microsoft account to unlock the Primebook.
18. Changing the display language
Proceed as follows to change the display language:
a) Make sure that your Primebook is connected to the Internet (see Section 15).
b) Call up the settings (see Section 14).
c) In Settings, tap "
Time & language
" and then tap "
Region & language
" on
the left. You are now in the "
Country or region
" window.
d) Now tap "
Add a language
" in the centre of the screen.
e) Scroll to and tap the language you require.
The Primebook jumps back to the "
Country or Region
" window, but now
displays the selected language in the list of languages below "
Add a Language
The Primebook now downloads the language pack and installs it. This process
can take a few minutes.
Wait until the "
Language pack available
" message appears under the
selected language in the list.
g) Tap the selected language and than tap "
Set as default
" below the
selected language.
h) Restart your Primebook. The selected language now appears in the display.