Trejon 431003 Instructions For Use And Maintenance Manual Download Page 33













CaRGa En El EjE

Los motores SCM pueden trabajar 
en ambos sentidos de rotación. La 
imagen muestra la selección de la 
conexión según la rotación.
La vida útil del motor depende 
en gran medida de la vida útil de 
los rodamientos, que a su vez de­
pende de las condiciones de fun­
cionamiento (velocidad, presión, 
viscosidad del aceite y grado de 
purificación, por ejemplo).
La carga externa en el eje, así 
como el tamaño de éste, su sen­
tido de rotación y su ubicación 
también influyen en la duración 
de los rodamientos. El ángulo de 
accionamiento óptimo es de 20°.
Si necesita un cálculo de la vida 
útil de los rodamientos para una 
aplicación especial, póngase en 
contacto con Sunfab.



n algunas aplicaciones el motor 

puede actuar como una bomba, 
por ejemplo, en aquellas en las 
que el vehículo trabaja en pen­
diente. En esos casos hay que 
asegurarse de que el caudal y la 
presión de alimentación sean su­
ficientes para evitar la cavitación 
y el ruido.


El aceite debe ser de alto ren­
dimiento y cumplir las especi­
ficaciones ISO tipo HM, DIN 
51524­2HLP como mínimo.
Además, para garantizar la lubri­
cación el aceite debe tener una 
viscosidad mínima de 10 cSt. 
El nivel de viscosidad ideal se 
encuentra entre 20 y 40 cSt.
Para la que la viscosidad no 
descienda por debajo del nivel 
recomendado, la temperatura del 
sistema no debe superar los 60 °C.


Se recomienda un nivel de filtración 
acorde con los códigos de limpieza 
16/13 de la norma ISO 4406.




SCM­moottorit toimivat molem­
piin pyörimissuuntiin. Kuvasta 
ilmenee pyörimissuunnan riippu­
vuus liitännästä.
Moottorin käyttöikä riippuu 
suurelta osin laakerien käyttöi­
ästä. Laakereihin vaikuttavat 
käyttöolosuhteet kuten pyörimis­
nopeus, paine, öljyn viskositeetti 
ja puhtausaste.
Myös akseliin kohdistuva ulkoinen 
kuormitus, sen suuruus, suunta ja 
sijoittaminen vaikuttavat laakerien 
käyttöikään. Optimaalinen kohdis­
tuskulma on 20°.
Jos haluat laskelman laakerien 
käyttöiästä erityisissä sovel­
luksissa, ota yhteys Sunfab 


Joissakin sovelluksissa moottori 
voi joutua toimimaan pumppuna, 
esim. ajoneuvon liikkuessa ala­
mäkeen. Sellaisissa tapauksissa 
pitää varmistaa, että virtaama ja 
syöttöpaine ovat riittävät kavitaa­
tion ja melun ehkäisemiseksi.


Moottorissa tulee käyttää korkea­
laatuista öljyä ISO­määrityksen 
mukaan, tyyppi HM, DIN 51524­
2HLP tai parempaa.
Voitelun varmistamiseksi viskosi­
teetin on oltava vähintään 10 cSt. 
Ihanteellinen viskositeetti on 
20­40 cSt.
Jotta öljyn viskositeetti ei laskisi 
alle suositellun tason, järjestel­
män lämpötila ei saa ylittää 60 °C.


Puhtausstandardisuositus on 
ISO­normi 4406, koodi 16/13.


SEnSo DI RoTazIonE E Ca­


I motori SCM sono in grado di 
funzionare in entrambi i sensi 
di rotazione. La figura mostra 
la selezione del foro a seconda 
della rotazione.
La durata di esercizio del motore 
dipende in larga misura dalla 
durata di esercizio dei cuscinetti. 
Tale durata è soggetta alle con­
dizioni di esercizio quali velocità, 
pressione, viscosità dell’olio e 
grado di depurazione.
Anche il caricamento dall’ester­
no dell’albero, le dimensioni, la 
direzione e la posizione influisco­
no sulla durata di esercizio dei 
cuscinetti. L’angolo di accoppia­
mento ideale è di 20°.
Contattare Sunfab Hydraulics per 
il calcolo della durata di esercizio 
dei cuscinetti per applicazioni 



In alcune applicazioni il motore 
può funzionare come una pompa, 
ad esempio nei veicoli in discesa. 
In questi casi occorre assicurarsi 
che vi siano portata e pressione 
di alimentazione sufficienti a pre­
venire la cavitazione e il rumore.

olIo IDRaUlICo

�tilizzare olio ad alte prestazioni 
conforme alle specifiche ISO tipo 
HM, DIN 51524­2HLP o superiore.
Per garantire la lubrificazione è 
necessaria una viscosità minima 
di 10 cSt. 
La viscosità ideale è di 20­40 cSt.
Per non ridurre la viscosità dell’olio 
al di sotto del livello consigliato, 
la temperatura dell’impianto non 
deve superare i 60 °C. 


È consigliata la pulizia a norma 
ISO 4406, codice 16/13.

Summary of Contents for 431003

Page 1: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance Hydraulic driven Snow Blower 151H 191H TREJON F RS LJNINGS AB F retagsv gen 9 SE 911 35 V NN SBY SWEDEN Tel 46 0 935 39 900 Note Read instructions before use...

Page 2: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance 151H 191H 1808 2 Breddningsving en monteras p insidan av maskinen...

Page 3: ...ns 10 2 1 Safety directions 10 2 2 Explanation of the symbols 13 3 Using the equipment 15 3 1 Assembly 15 3 2 Attaching machine to the tractor 15 3 3 Before starting up 18 3 4 Adjustments 19 3 5 Opera...

Page 4: ...FETY IS ENDANGERED A word of advice Pay special attention to the words WARNING CAUTION and NOTE in the safety instructions The words have been chosen from of the following WARNING This safety sign is...

Page 5: ...its recommendations you will ensure the long and effective use of the equipment We have produced this manual for you to get a good understanding of the functioning of the machine and what safety and...

Page 6: ...machine is lubricated see section Service and maintenance Check that all screws are properly tightened see section Service and maintenance Check that all guards and safety shields are properly fastene...

Page 7: ...system is the factors that decide which effect the hydraulic motor will deliver TREJON deliver snow blower with a hydraulic motor that will suit the figures about tractors hydraulic system given at o...

Page 8: ...assis 2 Turntable gear hydraulic powered 3 Adjustable flap 4 Flap control 5 Ejector tube 6 Front safety bow 7 Reversible wearing edge 8 Feeding auger 9 Ejecting rotor 10 Gearbox 11 Hydraulic motor 12...

Page 9: ...0 630 Cutting auger number 1 1 Cutting auger mm 340 340 Ejecting rotor mm 450 450 Operation of gear box type Hydraulic Hydraulic Rotating ejector tube standard Hydraulic Hydraulic Flap control standar...

Page 10: ...Connect the machine Attach the machine correctly don t stand behind the tractor during installation Ensure machine is properly mounted adjusted and in good operating condition Failure to ensure a sec...

Page 11: ...tops and starts slow down before changing directions on a slope Pass diagonally through sharp dips and avoid sharp drops to prevent hanging up the tractor and machine If tractor overturns hold tight t...

Page 12: ...l under high pressure Never touch the hoses or other hydraulic components while there is still pressure in the system In case of leakage oil under high pressure can penetrate the skin and cause seriou...

Page 13: ...shows Warning Read and follow the manual and the safety instructions before using the equipment Pass on all safety instructions to other users of the equipment Warning Do not touch moving parts Do no...

Page 14: ...the tractor is moving The tractor must be immobilized with the parking brake whenever the operator leaves the cabin Warning Crushing hazard When the ejector tube is lowered the engine of the tractor...

Page 15: ...g up must be cleared 3 2 Attaching machine to the tractor Warning Crushing hazard When connecting never stand between the tractor and the equipment as long as the tractor is moving Always immobilize t...

Page 16: pressure Adjust the length of the hose and mount suitable quick couplings on the tractor and couplings for the hydraulic motor Leak oil case drain line Oil is brought to the hydraulic motor housing...

Page 17: ...nstall hydraulic motor according to the manufacturer s instructions see Appendix at the end of this manual If the machine is equipped with house flushing the engine will be cooled with circulating oil...

Page 18: ...ed and correctly attached to the equipment Lubricate the machine see section Service and maintenance Check the oil level in the gearbox The oil should reach the lower plug at the side of the gearbox s...

Page 19: ...djusted with two supporting pads located at the back The angle of the equipment is adjusted by the tilt function of the tractor s loader This determines how well the equipment follows the variations i...

Page 20: ...pierced rod move the rod to the desired position and lock it again A hydraulically or electrically operated flap is available as an option This is suitable for those that need to change the placing o...

Page 21: ...e is at idle speed Change to a higher gear If you want to turn off the snow blower perform the above procedure in reverse order 1 Change to idle speed 2 Stop the oil flow to the machine We advise you...

Page 22: ...little openings This is to avoid accidents Keep work area clear of other persons in order to avoid injuries 4 1 General Carefully maintain the equipment in order to achieve cost effectiveness and a l...

Page 23: ...LGI2 EP Transmission chain feeding auger 40 h Oil 1 pcs Engine oil 10W40 Turntable gear 40 h Grease 2 pcs NLGI2 EP Chain tensioner 40 h Adjust ment 1 pcs Check the tension You should be able to push t...

Page 24: ...d recommended oil throw the breather at the top of the gear box Oil change The oil in the gearbox must be changed after the first 50 hours of service and then again every 500 hours or at least once a...

Page 25: the rotor Feeder screw does not turn Shear bolt is broken Change bolt M8x55 6 8 NOTE Do not use a bolt that is threaded all the way Low capacity To low hydraulic flow or hydraulic pressure Frozen s...

Page 26: ...onomics Guaranteed availability through the TREJON sales partners The TREJON original spare parts are specifically made for this equipment The fitting and or use of non original parts and accessories...

Page 27: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance 151H 191H 1808 27 Breddningsving en monteras p insidan av maskinen Notes...

Page 28: ...N OPTIMAL 191H make model to which this certificate applies conforms to the basic safety and health requirements of EEC Directions 2006 42 EG if applicable and to the other relevant EEC Directions tit...

Page 29: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance 151H 191H 1808 29 Breddningsving en monteras p insidan av maskinen...

Page 30: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance 151H 191H 1808 30 Breddningsving en monteras p insidan av maskinen...

Page 31: ...cs Matartryck I vissa applikationer kan motorn komma att arbeta som pump t ex fordon i nedf rsbacke I s dana fall m ste man f rs kra sig om att det finns tillr ckligt fl de och matartryck f r att f re...

Page 32: ...r Viton Spolning av motorhuset kan beh vas f r att h lla rekommenderad tempe ratur p dr neringsoljan Riktv rden f r husspolning Motor Spolning Kont SCM l min varv min 012 034 2 8 2800 047 064 4 10 25...

Page 33: ...maalinen kohdis tuskulma on 20 Jos haluat laskelman laakerien k ytt i st erityisiss sovel luksissa ota yhteys Sunfab Hydraulicsiin Sy tt paine Joissakin sovelluksissa moottori voi joutua toimimaan pum...

Page 34: ...i tuata nel punto pi alto sul motore L altra estremit collegata sotto il livello dell olio nel serbatoio La temperatura max dell olio di scarico di 75 C per guarnizioni dell albero in nitrile e di 90...

Page 35: ...s without demands to carry out the same improvements on equipment already delivered Pictures in the manual do not necessarily show the equipment as delivered Technical data weights and measures are wi...

Page 36: ...Instructions for Use and Maintenance 151H 191H 1808 32 Breddningsving en monteras p insidan av maskinen TREJON F RS LJNINGS AB F retagsv gen 9 SE 911 35 V NN SBY SWEDEN Tel 46 0 935 39 900...
