Treetop Circuits
Owner’s Manual for SB-51 SSB adapter
Version 4
Fig. 2 – As installed in the receiver. The white wire (optional, to be supplied by owner) supplies
12 volts to the muting relay. You can also leave it out, or route it below the chassis and solder
to the terminal inside the receiver.
Degree of Difficulty
Installation will present no problem for an experienced technician or hobbyist. However, it
does require some skill, and should not be undertaken as a “first project”. If you are
uncertain about this, the best bet is to read the instructions thoroughly and make sure you
are comfortable with all the steps.
Treetop Circuits can provide clarification on specific points, so please do not hesitate to e-
mail. But please also bear in mind that there is no substitute for basic electronic skills and
good workmanship.
And as always, remember that voltages approaching 300 volts are present in this
Modifications by Owner
Some owners will want to experiment with the circuit. To facilitate this, through-hole
resistors and capacitors are used in parts of the AVC circuit, and extra holes are provided
near C10 and C11. Please read the section on warranty before modifying the circuit.
Before Proceeding
We recommend that you check our web page
for the latest
version of this manual. Do not hesitate to e-mail us at
if you
need assistance.
Like all semiconductor circuits, the SB-51 can be damaged by electrostatic discharge.
Appropriate practices should be used when handling it.