Preamp Tube Replacement
Products Affected: xs400, xs400t, xs400h, xs800h, the
DynaBass Series (the 400, 400t, db400h and db800h).
In order to maintain consistent audio sound quality and performance replace
preamplifier tubes in the xs400, xs400t, xs400h, xs800h, the DynaBass Series
(400, 400t, 400h and db800h) with Yorkville specified and sorted 12AX7 tubes
(Yorkville Sound part number “12AX7SORTED”).
The specified tubes are chosen for their combined attributes of low noise,
high gain and no microphonic feedback. The following chart demonstrates a
sampling of 1000 tubes tested and the percentage deemed acceptable.
w w w . y o r k v i l l e . c o m
REAL Gear.
REAL People.
Yorkville Sound
550 Granite Court
Pickering, Ontario
Voice: (905) 837-8481
Fax: (905) 837-8746
Yorkville Sound Inc.
4625 Witmer Industrial Estate
Niagara Falls, New York
14305 USA
Voice: (716) 297-2920
Fax: (716) 297-3689