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It is important to periodically monitor the operation of the catalytic combustor to insure that it is functioning
properly and to determine when it needs to be cleaned or replaced. A non-functioning combustor will
result in a loss of heating efficiency and an increase in creosote and emissions. The following is a list of
ways to monitor the catalytic combustor.
Visual Inspection & Cleaning Of The Catalytic Combustor
Combustors should be visually inspected before and after each heating season to determine if physical
degradation has occurred. Refer to the "REPLACEMENT PARTS AND REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS"
section of this owner's manual for removal instructions. Check the combustor for plugging. If the front of
the combustor and/or mixing screen is covered with a fine dust plugging some of the openings, either
vacuum it or use a soft paint brush to brush off the dust. Check to see if the combustor is cracked, broken ,
or deteriorated. Replace the combustor if damaged (available at your dealer).
Periodic Inspection Of Catalytic Combustor Performance
To get an indication of whether the catalyst is working, compare the amount of smoke leaving the chimney
when the smoke is being routed through the combustor to the amount of smoke leaving the chimney when
the smoke is not routed through the combustor (bypass open mode). Use the following three steps to
determine your catalytic combustor's performance:
Step 1.
Light fireplace. Let the fireplace reach operating temperature (20-30 minutes).
Step 2.
With smoke routed through the catalyst (bypass closed - pushed in), go outside and
observe the emissions leaving the chimney.
Step 3.
Open the bypass and again observe the emissions leaving the chimney. You should
see significantly more smoke when the exhaust is not routed through the combustor
(bypass mode - pulled out). Be careful not to confuse smoke with steam from wet
If you can't operate with combustor temperatures in excess of 500 degrees F. there will be excessive
smoke leaving the chimney. You should check to make sure that your firewood is dry and seasoned. Wet
or green wood will cause the combustor to not light off until the moisture is evaporated. Because the
combustor is not working under these conditions, excessive amounts of creosote can be deposited in the
chimney system.
Using the Temperature Gage To Check The Catalytic Combustor
Visual inspection of the catalytic combustor should provide a suitable method for monitoring this
component in your fireplace on a yearly basis. For more frequent checks the temperature gage on the
front of the appliance can be used to monitor the catalytic combustor.
Your Lopi is equipped with a temperature probe built in. After warming up, a properly functioning
combustor typically maintains temperatures between 500 and 1000 degrees F. If combustor temperatures
are not in excess of 500 degrees F. refer to the section "Visual Inspection & Cleaning Of The Catalytic
Combustor" above to determine if any clogging is occuring.