Installation and Operations Manual
Check the electrical connections
30000 Hours Operation/Every 5 Years
Pump overall utilizing “Major” Rebuild Kit
Electrical Controls
Disconnect Handles
(if included) The Disconnect Handles are lockable and must be turned on to energize the system.
The handles must be turned off to open control panel.
HOA Selector Switches Hand
-Off-Auto selector switches are supplied only if vacuum switches are supplied. Pump
units will start in “Hand” mode, (unless units are in a shutdown alarm condition). The pumps will bypass vacuum
switches. “Auto” mode allows units to start upon contact closure of the vacuum switch.
Stop/Start Push Buttons Stop
/Start Push Buttons are included if HOA selector switch is not installed.
Reset Button
Reset Button is used to reset the starter overloads.
Power On Light Power
On Light indicates that power is on in panel.
Pump Running Light
The Pump Running Light indicated a pump is operating
High Temperature Overload Light The
High Temperature Overload Light indicates a pump is overheating and shuts
the pump down. The alarm-reset button needs to be pressed to reset the alarm condition. If high temperature condition
has not been fixed, the alarm will not reset.
High Back Pressure Light
The High Back Pressure Lights indicate the exhaust filter element in the vacuum pump
needs to be replace and does not shut down the pump.
Transformer Failure Light
Transformer Failure Light indicates the exhaust failure. If alternate transformers are
included in the panel, the alternate transformer will pick up. The pump will not shut down unless only one transformer
is present.
Lag Pump In Operation Light
The Lag Pump In Operation Light is usually included as a bubble light, positioned on
top of the panel. When the light flashes, the lag pump is in operation.
Audible Alarm
The Audible Alarm signals that the lag pump is in operation. The alarm can be silenced by pressing
the “alarm silence” button. The Audible Alarm is also used to signal other alarm conditions.
Alarm Silence Button
Alarm Silence Button is used to silence the audible alarm, but the visual light will remain on.
Alarm Reset Button
Alarm Reset Button is used to reset an alarm condition when the condition has been rectified.
The Alarm Reset Button will stop the light and alarm if alarm condition has been corrected.
Hour Meter
The Hour Meter is a running clock that indicates how many hours each pump has been operating. It
should be used to determine when the oil is in the pump and the discharge filter element needs to be replaced. See
Installations and Operations manual for oil life.