R O B O G U A R D - U S E R M A N U A L
Remove the Battery Cover.
Remove the screw securing the bottom sensor, hold the sensor tab
between your thumb and index finger and gently pull it out. (
make sure to
note the position of the screw in the adjustment slot so that when you replace the sensor
you return it to the correct position
Turn the sensor over and remove the 2 cover screws and the cover.
Be careful not to touch the pyro-electric cell on the other side of the
computer board, with your fingers.
You will see 2 switch boxes on the computer board. One has
5 switches
and one has
2 switches
. The default setting for all the switches is
To change a setting, move the switch with a small screwdriver.
When your adjustments have been made, replace the sensor cover, turn
the sensor over so the pyro-electric cell (eye) faces up, and gently slide
the sensor back into the Roboguard body, pushing it far enough to see
the hole for the securing screw in the adjustment slot.
Insert the securing screw and adjust the sensor to the original position in
the slot before tightening the screw.
If you have made adjustments to the beam strength, make the same
adjustments to the top sensor.
Replace the battery cover.
Operation Modes (5 Switch Box)
Switch 1: Delayed and Instant Mode
OFF: When the Roboguard sensor is triggered three times in rapid succession it will
shut down for 1 minute before becoming active again. If it is triggered during the
shutdown period it will delay for a full minute of no hits before becoming active. This
mode is good for high traffic areas as, after the first three signals, it allows people to
pass without constant signaling, until it reactivates. This mode also saves battery life.
The Roboguard sensor will signal instantly, every time it is triggered.
Switch 2: Double Hit Mode
OFF: Normal operation
The Roboguard sensor will wait for 2 beams in the array to be triggered
before sending a signal. This mode is good for areas with large foliage that may trigger
one of the beams and cause false alarms. Not recommended for critical areas as an
intruder may be able to pass through a single set of end beams without triggering the
Switch 3: Multiple Hit Mode
OFF: Normal
The Roboguard sensor will wait for multiple beams in the array to be
triggered before sending a signal. This mode is normally used with high monkey or
Hadida traffic, but it is recommended to first try repositioning the Roboguard, and/or
blocking some beams before using this feature, as reaction time of the unit is