August 3, 2017
© 2017 Transphorm Inc. Subject to change without notice.
User Guide
TDINV1000P100: 1kW Inverter Evaluation Board
The TDINV1000P100 1kW inverter kit from Transphorm provides an easy way to evaluate the performance advantages of GaN
power transistors in various inverter applications, such as solar and UPS. The kit provides the main features of a single-phase
inverter in a proven, functional configuration, operating at or above 100kHz. At the core of the inverter are four 150m
FETs configured as a full bridge. These are tightly coupled to gate-drive circuits on a board which also includes flexible
microcontroller options and convenient communication connection to a PC. The switch-mode power signals are filtered to
provide a pure sinusoidal output.
The TDINV1000P100-KIT is for evaluation purposes only.
Figure 1. TDINV1000P100 inverter evaluation board
The control portion of the circuit is designed around the popular C2000™ family of microcontrollers from Texas Instruments (TI).
The source code is available along with related support information directly from TI. In addition to this general resource,
Transphorm provides original firmware which comes loaded in flash on the microcontroller. The source code, configured as a
complete project, is also available at
. This project is a convenient starting point for further
developments. The microcontroller itself resides on a small, removable control card, supplied by TI, so that different C2000
devices may be used if desired. The schematic for the TDINV1000P100 circuit board is provided at the end of this user guide
document, as well in the design files at