G etting Started
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
can be connected directly to a PC using a normal CAT5e cable and run as a standalone system for debugging.
Note: All Patapsco devices respond to ICMP, but some other ethernet devices do not.
7. Once connected, the IP address of the DataBand EV can be changed as required. Go to Terminal
Dev ice Settings and
enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway as required. Click OK and go to F ile
Upload to load the new IP address to
the DataBand EV.
8. Observe the E v ent History window. An event message will be generated just before the DataBand EV switches to the new IP
address. Close down the Connected to Dev ice window and go back to step [1] to enter the new IP address for the DataBand
Th e E v en t H i st ory wi n dow sh ows t h e n ew I P address det ai l s