General Information
Unit Inspection
To protect against loss due to damage incurred in transit,
perform inspection immediately upon receipt of the unit.
Check carefully for shipping damage. If any damage is
found, report it immediately, and file a claim against the
transportation company.
Exterior Inspection
If the job site inspection reveals damage or material
shortages, file a claim with the carrier immediately. Specify
the type and extent of the damage on the bill of lading
before signing. Notify the appropriate sales representative.
Do not proceed with installation of a damaged
unit without sales representative approval.
Inspect the complete exterior for signs of shipping
damages to unit or packing material.
Verify that the nameplate data matches the sales order
and bill of lading.
Verify that the unit is properly equipped and there are
no material shortages.
Verify the power supply complies with the unit
nameplate specifications.
Inspection for Concealed Damage
Inspect the components for concealed damage as soon as
possible after delivery and before it is stored.
If concealed damage is discovered:
Notify the carrier’s terminal of the damage immediately
by phone and by mail.
Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days.
Request an immediate, joint inspection of the damage
with the carrier and consignee.
Stop unpacking the unit.
Do not remove damaged material from receiving
Take photos of the damage, if possible.
The owner must provide reasonable evidence that the
damage did not occur after delivery.
Unit Storage
Take precautions to prevent condensate from forming
inside the unit’s electrical compartments and motors if:
The unit is stored before it is installed; or,
The unit is set on the roof curb, and temporary heat is
provided in the building. Isolate all side panel service
entrances and base pan openings (e.g., conduit holes,
S/A and R/ A openings, and flue openings) from the
ambient air until the unit is ready for start-up.
Do not use the unit’s heater for temporary heat
without first completing the start-up.
The manufacturer will not assume any responsibility for
equipment damage resulting from condensate
accumulation on the unit’s electrical and/or mechanical
Unit Description
Before shipment, each unit is leak tested, dehydrated,
charged with refrigerant and compressor oil, and run tested
for proper control operation.
The condenser coils are all aluminum microchannel.
Direct-drive, vertical discharge condenser fans are
provided with built-in thermal overload protection.
All units come with standard Symbio™ 700 control system
with advanced diagnostics.
Door Handles
Door handles rotate 180 degrees for use on either left- or
right-handed doors. Handles will be in the vertical position
when latched, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1.
Door handles
To lock:
1. Verify handle is in the vertical (latched) position.
2. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, push and rotate the
handle screw clockwise 1/4 turn.
To unlock:
Use a Phillps head screwdriver to push and rotate handle
screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn.
Unit Nameplate
A Mylar unit nameplate is located on the unit’s corner
support next to the filter access panel. It includes the unit
model number, serial number, electrical characteristics,
refrigerant charge, as well as other pertinent unit data.