Checkout Procedures
The final phase of the installation is the system Checkout Procedures. The following list represents the most common items covered in a
Checkout Procedure. Confirm all requirements in this document have been met.
All wiring connections are tight and properly secured.
Voltage and running current are within limits.
All refrigerant lines (internal and external to equipment) are
isolated, secure, and not in direct contact with each other or
All braze connections have been checked for leaks. A vacuum of
350 microns provides confirmation that the refrigeration system
is leak free and dry.
Final unit inspection to confirm factory tubing has not shifted
during shipment. Adjust tubing if necessary so tubes do not rub
against each other or any component when unit runs.
Ductwork is sealed and insulated.
All drain lines are clear with joints properly sealed. Pour water into
drain pan to confirm proper drainage. Provide enough water to
ensure drain trap is primed.
Supply registers and return grilles are open, unobstructed, and air
filter is installed.
Indoor blower and outdoor fan are operating smoothly and
without obstruction.
Indoor blower motor set on correct speed setting to deliver
required CFM. “Blower and fan set screws are tight.”
Cover panels are in place and properly tightened.
For gas heating systems, manifold pressure has been checked and
all gas line connections are tight and leak free.
For gas heating systems, flue gas is properly vented.
System functions safely and properly in all modes.
Owner has been instructed on use of system and given manual.