Moisture Encounter Plus
User Guide
Testing on ceramic tiles and other wall and floor coverings.
Excess moisture trapped behind covering materials such as
ceramic tiles, carpet, wall coverings etc can cause major prob-
lems. For instance, excess moisture behind ceramic tiles on
drywall or other substrates can cause decay, delamination and
mold growth, the longer these problems go undetected the worst
the problem can get eventually leading to system failure.
Your Moisture Encounter Plus can be used to detect and
identify elevated moisture within or behind most types of wall
and floor coverings. For example the Moisture Encounter Plus
can detect elevated moisture behind most types of ceramic tiles.
As calibration is not practical because of the variation in
composition of these types of construction, tests should be
carried out on a comparative basis selecting the most appropriate
scale, and readings should be taken from the 0 to 100 compara-
tive scale on the meter dial.
Scale 3.
Testing plaster or brick
a) Your Moisture Encounter Plus gives qualitative (relative)
reading on walls, plaster, brick, drywall and block. Make
sure the appropriate wall scale is used i.e. Scale 2 for drywall
and Scale 3 for plaster or brick. Always press the electrodes
firmly against the surface.
b) The moisture profile of a wall can be determined by sliding
your Moisture Encounter Plus across the surface where it
will read through most paints, vinyl, wall coverings and even
ceramic tiles.
c) The Moisture Encounter Plus will help identify the different
levels of moisture even if not apparent on the surface.
Moisture can often be trapped behind drywall and wall
d) Rising damp and moisture migration from leaks and
defective, or non-existent, vapor barriers can be identified
and profiled and often its source identified by sliding the
instrument across the wall surface.
e) Water damage following flooding or fire fighting can be
checked and the drying out and de-humidification process
can be monitored.