Social Distancing
C9T Bracelet
will scan and search continuously for
C9T Bracelets
. The social distance is set by the
C9T Network Administrator from 1m to 3m. When the pre
set safety distance is violated, the user will receive a
single Vibration Alert and the LED light will flash three
times in
. The bracelet will then record the
SDV (Social Distance Violation), along with the duration of
the SDV and the other users involved in the SDV.
If the user is in range of their Wi-Fi Router Network, the
SDV data is transmitted to the C9T Network Database. If
the user is not in range, the data is stored in the
memory (up to 32,000 records can be stored per bracelet).
Then next time the user is in range of the Wi-Fi Network,
the bracelet will communicate and transmit the data to the
C9T Network Server via the Wi-Fi.
C9T WF (Wi Fi Version)