TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
TRAK TRL Lathe, ProtoTRAK RLX CNC Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service & Parts List
6.0 SWI Turret Options
6.1 4 & 8 Tool Turret Option
Due to the turret weight, special handling is required. Personal injury or damage to the turret
and/or lathe may occur if not handled properly.
6.1.1 Field Installation Instructions
Refer to the Turret Option Drawings in Section 7 for the 4 or 8 tool Turret to be installed on the
1630, 1856 or 2470 lathes.
The turret and cabling is installed as per the Turret Option Drawing for the specific lathe.
Note that the center line of the turret must be shimmed.
Note the connections from the turret and air regulator to the Computer Module as shown in the
referenced drawing.
Verify air has been hooked up to the machine. The air regulator is mounted to the bottom left
of the electrical cabinet. Refer to the Turret Option Drawings in Section 7.
Ensure the turret work area is clear and ready to be used.
To verify the turret is working properly, run a program with all 4/8 tools. To run the program,
enter a home position in Setup Mode. Make sure you set the X and Z absolute zero position 12
to 18 inches from the chuck. Set the home position to X = 3 and Z = 3. Run a program and
make sure the turret moves to the correct tool stations programmed. Verify that the turret
positions to each tool station.
Turn power on to the machine.
On the Pendant, press the “POWER RESET” key. Wait for the wait LED to turn ON.
You may load a program using the “PROG IN/OUT” key followed by selecting the desired
program. Press “OK”.
Press the “DRO” key. For the tools set up, select the tool number to use.
Press the “SET-UP” key followed by the “HOME TURRET” key. Enter the desired Tool # followed
by pressing the “ABS SET” key.
The message “Turret is now homed and ready to use.” should appear. You are ready to run
your program.
6.1.2 Removing the 4 Tool Turret from the Lathe
Turn the main power off to the machine.
Unhook the air line from the air regulator.
Disconnect the air lines and electrical lines to the Computer Module. The 2 air lines need to be
disconnected at the Air Regulator. Refer to the Turret Option Drawings in Section 8 for the 4 or 8 tool
Turret to be installed on the 1630, 1845 or 2470 lathes.