©Traitel Telecommunications Pty Ltd 2012
Telephone: (61) (2) 9032 2700
Page 19
Local Port
The local SIP port of the TA (typically 5060).
Outbound Proxy Server
Outbound proxy server IP address.
Outbound Proxy Port
Port number of Outbound Proxy server.
Send Messages via Outbound Proxy
Enable/Disable send messages via outbound proxy.
When this feature is enabled, all messages will be sent
through the outbound proxy.
Registrar Server
SIP Registrar server IP address.
Registrar Port
Port number of SIP Registrar server.
Register Fail Retry Time
The periodic interval at which the device retries the SIP
registration after a failure of the SIP registration.
Session Type
Select Invite or Update as the Session Timer method.
Session Refresher
Select UAC (User Agent Client) or UAS (User Agent
Server) as the Session Timer refresher.
Session Expires
The time interval in which the TA periodically refreshes
SIP sessions by sending repeated Invite or Update
requests, depending on the session type.
Register Expires
The time after which the registration on the SIP
Registrar expires. The TA must send SIP Register to
keep the registration at half the setting time.
UDP Timeout
Timeout for SIP requests (100 ~ 3000ms). Set “0” to
disable this feature and follow the RFC 3261 rule.
UDP Retry Times
The number of times to send SIP requests. Set to “0” to
disable this feature and follow the RFC 3261 rule.
Enable PRACK
A SIP method which acknowledges provisional
responses like 180 ringing. Enable for a more reliable
1. If Disable is selected, the full URI and name are sent
to the receiver’s device when the user makes a call.
2. When Full URI is selected, “Anonymous” is sent to
the receiver’s device. It may display anonymous or
nothing on the receiver’s device.