• Using multiple Sensor Signals
Sensor Signals really come into their own when you link several together because they all
sequence as a complete block section system automatically! Our examples show 4 aspect
signals but different types may be mixed and will all work together, including distant only signals
which show yellow when the next signal is red. The example below shows 4 signals linked,
although in practice you can run virtually any number of signals connected in this way as long as
you have sufficient power to supply them all (each signal needs approximately 0.05A).
Use solid core
wire to link signals
If the Sensor signals are located in a
continuous circuit of track then you can link every
signal to each other front to back in a loop for fully automatic
block signalling around the track.
- careful not to obstruct the sensor ‘view’ with the link wires
Wiring is easy because you just need one
wire between each signal, the output of one
to the input of the next one as shown.
Always use Single core wire
type is best) stripped 3-4mm at each end
which just plugs into the signal sockets -
you can either hide wires under your
baseboard or run them on the top alongside
the track - just like the real thing!
If you are using the Sensor Signals on a
complete circuit, you can link every signal to
each other to make each section automatic.
If it is an ‘end to end’ type layout the last
signal will turn green a short while after the
end of the train has passed the signal.
If the signals are used on a single line which
has trains running in both directions you can
signal both sides, but only link together
signals running in the same direction.
If a train runs backwards the signals will
turn red (or yellow on a distant signal), then
after a short time cycle back to green.
• Manual override of multiple Sensor Signals
Multiple Sensor Signals can be overridden to show stop / caution in the same way as a single
signal can, and because they are linked they also control any distant signals located in front of
them to correctly display yellow or double yellow etc.
Signal colour LED
Occupancy LED
Mimic switches
can be wired to one
or more linked Sensor Signals using
just a single wire.
The top LED lights the same colour
as the signal. The bottom LED
flashes as a train goes past a signal
and lights continuously while a train
is still in the following section to show
block occupancy - ideal for a control
panel to show where trains are on
your layout.
If your layout is digital you can also
manually override any signal to red
using a DCC command - see page 6
Link first signal to the last on complete circuits for automatic operation
Mimic Switches