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MlrkTfkd Teb ibdpW
NF `arefully lay the drill on its back on a nonJabrasive surfaceK
qhe eopper L
Burner Assembly EPNF will be mounted to the drillI but is not shown in the diagram
below for clarityK
OF rse the
BoltsI tashers and kuts Esee aetail “A”F supplied in the eardware hit
ENQQF to install the `aster iegs ENNVF on the left end of the drill and the theel iegs
ENOQF on the right end as shown in the diagram belowK qhe Acorn kuts ENPMF on the
theel iegs ENOQF should go toward the center of the drillK
ieave the kuts loose
during this stepK
PF pet the drill upright to level and then tighten all kutsK