- Emergency stop control on control
box – Red button (see item 1, fig. 3,
page A),
- Mechanical interlock, prohibiting simul -
taneous action of Up and Down controls,
- high and low limit stop levers on hoist which
work with the limit stops on the Minifor™
synthetic rope,
- safety latches (item 1, fig. 14 and fig. 15,
page A),
- electrical protection of hoist (see §3.1),
- Control protection fuse, in electrical unit.
The emergency stop function is ensured by
pressing the red button (item 1, fig. 3, page A).
To restart the unit after an emergency stop,
the emergency stop button must be unlocked
by turning it in the direction of the arrows
marked on the button, after having ensured
that all the emergency conditions have been
10) Minifor™ hoist with radio remote
Certain Minifor™ models can be supplied
optionally equipped with a remote control
system comprising a portable control
transmitter (Fig. 16.a) and a receiver on the
unit (Fig. 16.b). The transmitter operates on
a battery and a charger is supplied. This
system will allow you to conduct lifting and
lowering operations, and stopping of the hoist
without the need for a control cable.
It operates by transmitting a coded RF signal.
The code of each hoist can be changed by
the user; this is primarily useful when
several remote-controlled units are operated
on the same site.
The transmitter and receiver keys must
be configured to the same code. Refer to
the radio remote control manufacturer's
documents supplied with the unit.
We strongly recommend that the load
always be in sight when operating the
Minifor™ hoist with a radio remote
control. If this is not possible, appropriate
measures must be taken to eliminate any
possible risks.
: The transmitter unit must be handled
and stored with care to avoid any damage
due to impacts.
: Failure to change the coding
can result in nearly identical movements
by all the radio controlled devices within
range at the worksite when you control an
action on your transmitter.
: For information, the radio range
measu red in laboratory with the transmitter
pointed toward the front side of the receiver
- 70 m max. with the receiver not equipped
with an external antenna (standard
- 150 m max. with an external antenna
(fig. 17) available optionally on request
code 184756).
This range can however differ in
other situations due, in particular:
- to the presence of obstacles.
- to the existence of electromagnetic inter -
- under certain atmospheric conditions.
In the event of trouble using the system or
for special applications, contact the Tractel
: When operating the hoist, you must
keep in mind that there is a slight system
reaction time. Operating several hoists from
the same transmitter will therefore
not allow thorough and accurate synchro -
nisation of the hoist
This remote control system is approved in
France by the telecommunications regulation
body (ART) with no obligation for an individual
license. No changes should be made to this
remote control system.
Use of the Minifor™ hoist with radio remote
control outside France is subject to verifi -
cation of compatibility of the system with the
local regulations governing the use of radio
Radio remote-controlled Minifor™ hoists
not come with control pendants
connected by a control cable (Optional, on
11) Minifor™ synthetic rope
At one of its ends, the synthetic rope
- a hook with safety latch mounted on a
stitched and sheathed rope loop,