F-em User Guide
rounded rectangular handles in the envelope display and move
it vertically. The slope of the stage can be changed gradually
between fully exponential when the handle is moved fully
down, to linear when the handle is in the center between the
previous and next stage up to an inverse exponential shape
when the handle is moved fully up. Note that the handle isn‘t
displayed for very short envelope stages. If you want to change
the slope of a very short envelope, just increase the respective
time temporarily, adjust the slope and decrease it back to the
previous value.
: Click on the “Assign” button to call up the modulation
assignment for the corresponding envelope. Read more about
this on page 49.
Envelope Triggering
: Normally, an envelope is triggered by an
incoming MIDI note. If you play more than one note, every
voice contains its own envelope. This is called “Poly”. You can
also set an envelope to a monophonic behavior, so that the first
played note (“First”) or the last played note (“Last”) triggers on
envelope which acts for all played voices. It means that the
envelopes of all voices of a Sound layer behave like a single
envelope. This common envelope starts as soon as the first/last
note is played. The sustain level remains until the last note is
released. Afterwards the release phase is active.
: This button appears, when the Attack rate is smaller
than 0.5 milliseconds. Click this button to set it to 0.5
milliseconds automatically to prevent sound clicks, when using
sine oscillators. Remember to check every sound layer when
hunting for clicking.
Sustain Stages Loop
: Click on this button to activate the
sustain loop (lights up when active). With the two fields above
Sustain Loop
button you can define the sustain loop area.
This area will be displayed within the envelope graphic. We
recommend to make useful loop settings which means lower
settings for the sustain loop start as for the sustain loop end.
: Activates the synchronization of the envelope
breakpoints to the internal clock, that is delivered by the host
application. If activated, a grid is displayed within the envelope
representation. Breakpoints will snap to the grid. The density of