Recommended Position
The GPS antenna in the antenna module is directional,
oriented towards the upper cover with the pressed
logo. For good reception of the GPS signal, please
make sure there are no metal objects over the upper
cover which could block the signal. Position the
Trackito so that the upper cover is pointed upwards,
if possible.
Place the unit in a hidden, dry and clean place.
How Trackito Works
Trackito operates as a silent alarm with a GPS sensor.
Should an object protected with Trackito be stolen, you
will be notifi ed and you can track its current position.
You can lock and unlock the device in the application.
If the Trackito is locked and senses movement, the
application in your phone signals an alarm. It is in that
moment the Trackito starts sending information about
its position. Now you can start the Tracking mode,
which allows you to see the current position of the
Trackito. Information on the Trackito position is stored
from the initial moment of the alarm being raised; the
data can be displayed at any time thereafter. However,
switching the alarm off without starting the Tracking
mode deletes the recorded positions. The Alarm and
Tracking modes permanently enable the GPS: this
leads to much shorter battery life and higher data
c. Therefore, do not allow the Trackito to function
in the alarm mode for too long if you know it is a false