“#speed#123456#080#”, and it will reply “speed ok ”. When the car
moves exceeding 80 km/h, the unit will send SMS alert “speed alarm” to
the authorized number.
6.9.2 Cancel: send SMS “
” to deactivate the
overspeed alarm. it will reply “cancel speed ok”.
6.10 ACC ON alarm
6.10.1 Send SMS"
" to device to start illegal start alarm
function, when vehicle ignition on, device will reply "ACC!!" to the
authorized number.
6.10.2 Send SMS"
"to device to close the function.
6.11 Time Zone Setting
Remark: UTC+8 is default time zone.
6.11.1 Send SMS “#
timezone#password#direction#time zone value in
hours#time zone in munites#
”. If set OK, it will reply “time zone ok”.
For example, if in UTC-6, send SMS “#timezone#123456#W#6#00#”. If
in UTC+5.30, send SMS “#timezone#123456#E#5#30#”.
6.12 GPRS setting
User must send SMS via cell phone to set IP, port and APN before
starting GPRS.
6.12.1 Setting APN APN standards for Access Point Name and differs from country