Portable HM1000
Instruction Manual v 5.0
Whilst your Metalyser
is designed to be very reliable, problems may occur
throughout its working life. The following tables are intended to help you diagnose
and resolve these problems simply and quickly. Should you not be able to resolve
the problem please contact your supplier and they will be able to assist you.
When troubleshooting your Metalyser
the following steps should be undertaken in this order:
Reference Electrode
– does the Reference Electrode contain the right level of
electrode fill solution? Is it damaged at all? Are there air bubbles in the inner
– does the stirrer rotate? Does it mix the powder reagents when
a. To check this run the stirrer according to the instructions on page 13
Working Electrode
– is the Working Electrode conditioned correctly?
a. Is WE1 grey in colour or is WE2 yellow in colour? Has the grey
b. WE1 Conditioning been wiped off before the WE2 plating?
– have the solutions been contaminated? Have the correct buffers
been added in the correct order? Has the right amount of standard been
The Metalyser
will try and help you with determining the problems. See below.
Displayed Error
Probable Cause
The metal concentration is above the
maximum limit of 500ppb
Dilution should be used
The metal concentration is below the
minimum limit of detection for the method
being used
Addition error
The increase in metal response was not
sufficient enough to determine the addition
Calibration error
The addition was not added or the metals
have not been detected