Congratulations on purchasing a Trace Elliot Quad Chorus.
This unit is a versatile pedal with two completely independent high quality digital chorus
effects built in. In stereo mode, the signal path is true stereo throughout, with a separate
processor for each channel. This enables a different rate of chorus for the left and right
outputs, for example, to create a richer sound without any periodic “cycling” typical of
some cheaper units. Furthermore, in stereo mode the unit can be used with two instru-
ments; each instrument can have it’s own chorus effect and dedicated output. This facility
is also useful when bi-amping a bass rig where you would want a slower chorus on the
low frequencies than on the high.
In quad mode, the two chorus units are cascaded in series, with the output of chorus one
feeding into the input of chorus two. This mode provides a rich, heavily textured sound
that creates a dramatic effect, especially when run in stereo. In quad mode, only input
one is used as both chorus processors are used on the same signal for greater depth of
Inputs and Outputs
Two inputs on the left hand side of the pedal. If you are only intending to use the pedal
with one signal source, connect this to input one. Both inputs are high impedance and are
suitable for all forms of electric or acoustic guitar, bass or keyboards. the maximum sig-
nal level that can be accepted before clipping occurs is 1Vrms (+2.2dBu). A clip LED is
provided beside each input to inform you that the maximum input level has been exceed-