Doc: G1-4200 Guide-0709
TQ Environmental plc.
Infra Red Gas Detection.
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4200 Installation Guide for Refrigerant Leak Detection.
Sighting of the main control panel and alarms.
The main control panel is best mounted at head height, with the LCD display at eye level to
give the best viewing angle. The panel should be mounted outside the area being monitored,
positioned to allow personnel operating within the area to monitor concentration levels before
entry. If the control panel display is not readily visible to operators, then warning beacons
should be fitted. Potential positions for these are above access doors for cold rooms, plant
rooms or bottle stores, preventing access if leaks are detected. Also positioned inside plant
rooms, where operators may be working for prolonged periods. In many cases a single beacon
is sufficient to cover all adjacent areas.
The control panel will accept a mains supply of either 110 or 240 vac and is self detecting.
Mains supply should be via a 5A fuse spur. Alarm beacons, connected directly to the control
panel should be 24v DC.
Sample points.
The leak detection system works by drawing samples of air into the control panel for analysis.
Sample therefore should be taken from areas close to potential leaks or from areas where a
build up of gas could occur. For general monitoring sample points should be at low level (as
refrigerant gas is heavier than air ) approximately 300mm above floor level is a good starting
point as this would normally keep the filters out of harm.
In small cold rooms a single sample point near the entrance is usually sufficient. In larger
spaces a second point close to the evaporator but out of the air blast, to avoid freezing, would