Phone: (03) 98306288
A. On first powering up the display, the firmware version and factory preset data port mode are shown. Then
it briefly shows the preset shunt rating of the DPM and finally the data display appears.
B. On the data display, the Volts, Amp and Watt are continuously displayed; all other data is shown
cyclically at about 3 second intervals. The display can be toggled bet ween fixed and cyclical by one
quick press of the "Reset" button (5).
1. Current (Amps - A, Peak Amps - Ap, Minimum Amps - Am):
The Amps value is the average current through the Meter's black wire over the last screen update
interval. Ap is the Peak (maximum) current to the LOAD, since start up to the present time.
Similarly, Am is the minimum current.
2. Voltage (Volts - V, Maximum Voltage – Vp, Minimum Voltage - Vm):
The Volts value is the average voltage over the last screen update interval. Vp is the Peak (maximum)
voltage from the source side since start up to the present time. Similarly for Vm (minimum) which is the
minimum voltage, voltage dip or sag on the source side since start up.
3. Charge (Amp-hours - Ah):
The value displayed is the total charge in Amp-hours delivered to the LOAD since start up. The Amp-
hours is determined using the internal clock of the MCU.
4. Energy (Watt-hours - Wh):
The value displayed is the total energy delivered to the LOAD in Watt-hours since start up. The Watt-
hours is determined using the internal clock of the MCU.
5. Power (Watts - W, Peak Watts - Wp):
The value displayed is the average power delivered in Meter over the last screen update interval. The
displayed Peak Watts value (Wp) is the maximum power drawn of the LOAD, since start up.
C. Operation time since start up:
The second line displays the elapsed time since start up in HH:MM:SS format.