Version 1.15-Polaris
Polaris 1/3 2019 /AB
For your safety
It is very important that you read the following instructions and safety advices.
Since this radio is intended to be used in hazardous areas, it is of great importance to
observe that no damage has been applied to endanger the safety of the equipment. If for
example the radio shows signs of damages on the enclosure or malfunctioning during
operation, it must be removed from the hazardous area immediately and returned to
the manufacturer for testing and repair.
Authorised usage
The Portable Radio Type TP9000EX Thor 1 must not be used unless you have a valid
licence. Usage of the radio may be limited under the terms of your licence to a limited
geographical area.
Warranty limitation
IMPORTANT - The radio and batteries are sealed waterproof units.
To maintain the waterproof integrity, they were assembled in a controlled environment.
The radio and batteries are not user maintainable units, and under no circumstances
should the units be opened except by authorized personnel.
Unauthorized opening of the units will invalidate the warranty.
Normal warranty is 12 months.
Servicing the radio
Only authorised TP Radio personnel may open the radio for servicing. If non-authorised
persons open the radio, the radio may no longer comply with the ATEX directive, the
guarantee will be renderedvoid, and the radio may no longer be waterproof.