3. After the success of frequency, pull the left and right
rocker of the remote controller together toward to
the inside below for 45 degrees angle, after the
remote controller sends out a “di” sound, at this
time the LED lights of the aircraft starts to flash
quickly,after becomes to normal light the
adjustment is completed, now can be ready to
take off.
Note: When the aircraft flight instability can also repeat
the steps 1-3 for adjusting the accelerometer.
Take Off And Landing
Take off ----Method 1
Pull the left and right side rocker of the remote control
toward to the outside for 45 degrees angle, when the
remote controller sends out a “di” sound, at this time the
aircraft is unlocked successfully, the arm blades start slowly
rotating, then push up the left rocker then the aircraft can
be taken off.
When the remote control without any operation in five
minutes will be automatically sleep off.