2-5. Driving information
en drivin
Automatic transmission:
To maintain engine braking efficiency and charging system perfor-
mance when using engine braking, do not put the transmission in
“D”. If in the S mode, the transmission shift gear position must be in
4 or lower.
Manual transmission:
To maintain engine braking efficiency and charging system perfor-
mance when using engine braking, do not use fifth gear.
Instability happens more frequently when descending steep or long
downhill grades. Before descending, slow down and downshift. Do
not make sudden downshifts while descending steep or long down-
hill grades.
Avoid holding the brake pedal down too long or applying the
brakes too frequently. This could cause the brakes to overheat and
result in reduced braking efficiency.
Due to the added load of the trailer, your vehicle’s engine may
overheat on hot days (at temperatures over 85°F [30°C]) when
driving up a long or steep grade. If the engine coolant temperature
gauge indicates overheating, immediately turn off the air condition-
ing (if in use), pull your vehicle off the road and stop in a safe spot.
P. 430)
Always place wheel blocks under both the vehicle’s and the
trailer’s wheels when parking. Apply the parking brake firmly, and
put the transmission in P (automatic transmission) or in 1 or R
(manual transmission). Avoid parking on a slope, but if unavoid-
able, do so only after performing the following:
Apply the brakes and keep them applied.
Have someone place wheel blocks under both the vehicle’s
and trailer’s wheels.
When the wheel blocks are in place, release the brakes slowly
until the blocks absorb the load.